London Dental Clinic Case StudiesProject Overview

This dental clinic UK is based in the heart of London, United Kingdom is one of the most competitive cities in the world to run PPC ads for dental clinics services. They’d been managing their own Google Ad campaigns, generating around 25 leads per month for £45 per conversion. We wanted to increase the number of leads their ads were generating while lowering the cost per lead.

Industries Dental Health
Services Google Ads PPC
Location United Kingdom

1. Campaign Objective

This dental clinic is based in the heart of London — one of the most competitive cities in the world to run PPC ads for dental clinics.
They’d been managing their own Google Ad campaigns, generating around 22 leads per month for £40 per conversion. We wanted to increase the number of leads their ads were generating while lowering the cost per lead.

The challenge was that despite targeting a highly competitive market, their available budget was really tight. We’d have to make improvements to the campaign without increasing their ad budget!

2. Strategy

Upon reviewing the campaigns, we discovered that they had become stale and lacked the level of optimization required to compete in such a highly competitive market. We decided the best course of action would be to create new campaigns and ads, allowing us to take advantage of new formats and build the campaign from the ground up. This meant that we could use the structure we’ve found to work really well for this type of business with dental clinic UK.

We had a healthy amount of historical data to analyze, allowing us to experiment with advanced bidding strategies, which use machine learning to optimize the performance of the ads further.

Dental Clinic Case Studies

In addition to this, when the client came on board with Exposure Ninja, we identified one of their strongest and she is a native Polish speaker! We identified a great gap in the market to fill: targeting the niche audience of Polish speakers living in London close to where the clinic is based. Once again, Exposure remote culture came up trumps, and our diverse team was able to create ads and select keywords in the Polish language pointing to a dedicated landing page.

3. Results

Within the first 50 days of our new account management, the number of conversions increased considerably, up 400% from 20 to 107. When the campaign was being managed by the client, they were paying £44 per conversion; we managed to bring this down to just £7.41! Our six-month goal is to bring this down to under £6 to get the client, even more, leads for their available budget. So far, we are on the right track.

The conversion rate has also improved — up over 207% — from 4.38% to 13.44%. We managed to do this by continually refining the keywords and audience that we’ve been targeting to make sure as many of the clicks we’re paying for are as likely to convert as possible.

The campaign targeting Polish speakers has greatly helped us to achieve the results above, converting at a rate of 19.02% and costing £5.53 per conversion.

This campaign demonstrates that effective Google Ads management can have an incredible impact on performance, saving money in the long run by making sure your available budget works for you.

Are you looking to improve the performance of your PPC campaign without increasing your budget? Find out how our PPC experts at Exposure can help you with a free review of your existing Google Ads campaign.

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